OK, honestly? Who is this? And WHAT IS SHE WEARING? The hell?? I'm against Valentine's Day clothing on principle but that is truly the worst speciman I have ever, ever seen.
Check out the dude behind her to the left. He's agrees with me and is thinking: "the hell?" The two guys to the right are calling in back-up. "Please remove this from the premises immediately, as it is hurtling nearby standers-by into photosensitive seizures."
Seriously, who IS that?
I don't want to step on the toes of the brilliant minds over at Go Fug Yourself, where I ripped the photo, but I just had to add my own commentary.
Hideous! I saw this over at gofug yourself and had the same thoughts. People need to consult with others before they dress themselves.
My eyes...MY EYES!!
i like the reference to the IKEA heart pillow with arms! haha, perfect comparison!!
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