Phoebe: A real man wouldn't go to the hospital! Krog will make his way through your system in 7 years.
Chandler: Phoebe, that's gum.
Phoebe: I'm pretty sure it's GUN.
But then when Ross and Rachel sign their divorce papers, they talk about their relationship, and each other, and it's just so SWEET. Really great writing. They really don't make sit-coms like this anymore.
Can you believe Krysten has never seen this show?? Raise your hand if you think she needs to borrow my DVDs.
That is pretty bazzaro!
*hides face behind hands*
i've just never been much of a sit-com watcher!! sorry!!
and in my own defense...i HAVE SEEN the show, i just never WATCHED the show. i've seen a few episodes. hubby isn't much on it though, so me trying to turn it on now is met with resistence.
i would gladly borrow your dvds! "throw it on the pile, i suppose"
Hey, I know a guy who was never WATCHED or SEEN the show. I kid you not, I said something referencing the show and he was like, "Friends?" Wha????
i dont feel so bad now...
Are we playing a game? I have never seen OR watched Sex & the City.
But, Krysten...Friends? COME ON!!!
Oh, man, Sex & the City post coming up soon. *wink*
i have never EVER seen sex and the city, and the only time i have EVER seen Desparate housewives, OR Grey's Anatomy, OR TWW is when jamie was here...
i think i'm winning the game!
Man, it's a good thing you met me!
oh! and i've never seen Lost, or Alias either.
and i saw 24 for the first time last fall when we borrowed seasons 1-3 from my in-laws.
i win.
There are a lot of shows I don't care for or have never watched but Friends is just too good for that. J., by the way, Matthew Perry is the lead in the next Aaron Sorkin TV project. A combination of your 2 loves. I linked to the article about it on my blog. :)
I loved him on TWW!
Matthew Perry (as Joe Quincy): CJ Cregg, you've only known me for 5 minutes! It usually takes people the better part of an hour to hate me and everything I stand for!
CJ: I'm the White House Press Secretary Boo-Boo; I don't have that kind of time.
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