Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Texas, our Texas, all hail our mighty state!

So, the deal is pretty much done. I have signed a lease and I have written a check, and I will be an actual resident of Dallas, TX by February 8, 2006, assuming she doesn't rent out my apartment before she gets this envelope in the mail. Can you believe I went to Texas without my checkbook? Doh. My place is adorable, very Melrose Place but without the pool, or the greed, lust, betrayal, and wigs. Well, as far as I know, anyway. It's at Abbott and Knox, meaning, hello, I can WALK to Wild about Harry's!!

For all you that have been part of my nursing school dialogue, I am planning on signing up for my 5 pre-requisitite classes (damn you, B.A.!!) online and keeping my current job until I can apply for TCU's fast-track BSN program that starts May 2007. If all goes according to plan, I'll be an RN/BSN by August 2008 and will be able to pursue my MSN while working. I feel so grown-up; I have a plan that lasts further out than you know, next month. *wink*

Where IS everyone? I have multiple posts with no comments and my blog is sad.

Oh, and I'm MOVING BACK TO TEXAS!!!!!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

yay for moving to Texas!! and I can vouch that the apartment is SUPER cute!

krysten said...

yay for the prospect of a new job in the future!!

i want pictures of this new place!

J.T. said...

Didn't Gov. Rick Perry say a few days ago that Texas is officially closed??

Anonymous said...

Nice-- I suppose it would be closed if we pronounced her name "Hi-may". As it is, I guess we'll take her :) Welcome back, J!

Dannybrou said...

I didn't know you wanted to become a nurse....

Anonymous said...

cheers all around for the return of the J.

Gina said...

Holy crap J! That's wonderful for you. :) I had no idea you were pondering nursing school.

Why do I suddenly feel like I will never see you again? *sniff*

hello jamie: said...

You totally will, G. I'm still working for a year and a half, and plus, I will TO-tally need your help on my Pharmacology class that I will be taking online.

Plus, you can come to Dallas. :)

Gina said...

Plus, you can come to Dallas.:)


Seriously honey, I am glad you found a direction. *hugs*

hello jamie: said...

Now let's just see if I can keep it, eh? *wink*

Anonymous said...

Living in Dallas is going to make for a pretty hellacious drive to UT three days a week, or whenever your classes happen to be. Oh well, congrats and welcome back to the Republic.

hello jamie: said...

Not going to UT, suckah. Think I want to wear ORANGE scrubs when I could wear PURPLE?

Hey, I'm using your Christmas iTunes to buy My Lives. Don't judge.

Anonymous said...

That's absolutely brilliant J! Soon I won't be able to call you Carmen anymore! Hopefully I can follow your lead and figure out what the hell I want to do with my life.

You've certainly inspired me not to skip my next class as originally planned...


hello jamie: said...

Hey Kiddo... take another 10 years to decide. *wink*