Thursday, January 26, 2006

Two current reasons I love my stat-counter:

1. Someone from Israel blogger-searched "sat on me."

2. Someone yahoo-searched "Danael Broussard". The google-searched you too, Dan, and they work at Fuddrucker's in Plano. Do you have a stalker? Get me a cheeseburger.

Seriously, genius.

I went to Trader Joe's the other night for lunch stuff (I'm staying in an extended-stay hotel with a kitchen) and I got these no-yeast tortillas called Ezekial 4:9. They kind of taste like cement. Just how God intended it. Apparently.

Sorry about the length of the last post. Go brevity! Choose brevity! ~J.


Dannybrou said...

someone searched me??? and they work at fuddruckers??? i am confused.

i hope they don't kill me!

Anonymous said...

Hey, J, what's a stat-counter do and how do I get one? (I'm Veruca Salt - Gen X version so I'm sure I'll want one before I know what it is)
Also, I've not had the tortillas, but I do think the Ezekial sliced bread is pretty good.

Anonymous said...

somebody sat on you haha

Gina said...

J- I have been found by searches for "desperate teen porn"; "sissy nails"; "custom new header"; and a few that I think must be people who read the blog and just didn't have the url but searched stuff I wrote about.

It is wicked cool huh?

Anonymous said...

I found Danny here just by googling "Danael Broussard"