Sunday, April 30, 2006


It's 2am. I've been up for 21 hours. I worked from 6am to midnight. That's 18 hours in case you can't count. That's like half a week of work in one shift. My salary is looking pretty crappy next to my freelancing co-worker's enviable Sunday double-time hourly rate, grrrrr. HOWEVER, I only have to work from 11-3 tomorrow. Whoop!

Just wanted to say hi... I miss you guys when I'm not online. Krysten, I have had a card for you since ohhhh, the day after I left Phoenix, and it's still hanging out in my backpack, blank. I will try my best to send it SOON!

I got car insurance from the pesky little British gecko yesterday. And paid for my new car! I actually WROTE A CHECK FOR A CAR. I was a little sad to see that money go but I'm so excited about my wheels. *blows kisses to Tom & Melissa for giving me such a good deal!* I owe them like, 10 free nights of babysitting.

And OHMIGAH~ Madison and Dave are MARRIED! I'm so sad I missed it. I hope they stumbled upon someone from the cast of LOST while they were there.

I think I'm delirious. Must... sleep.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Kelly said...

Get some sleep!

krysten said...

hopefully not the "drunking driving cast members though...

hey no worries about the card...obviously yours isn't out yet either! *snort*

krysten said...

um.... end quote.

Bee said...

omg chica, I had just sent out an email to a friend right before I checked your site and guess what my title was? *yawn*! freaky!

Congrats on your new car. You bought it just in time to enjoy the zooming gas prices. =D