Tuesday, March 13, 2007

a word on passive-aggression

I was just scrolling down through the blog posts that happen to still be on page 1, and I noticed a new comment on my mascara post. It says this:

Anonymous said... You took the Target employees word as gold? How old was she, 16? You then went home and freaked out on your blog instead of investigating for yourself. You do have an Internet connection,correct? Are you an adult?

OK. Allow me to retort with a few points:
A) This is my blog; I can write about and freak out about whatever the hell I want to. You don't have to read it.
B) The Target employee was in her 30s-40s, and yes, I am accustomed to treating people as if they are knowledgeable about their job until proven otherwise.
C) If you don't know me, why on earth do you care about my freak-out level of mascara?... on the flip side, if you do know me, please have the courage (and common decency) to post your name instead of hiding behind "anonymous."


krysten said...


ok, so in that same vein...how old is the person freaking out about what you are freaking out about?


besides, it's not like you hadn't already NOTICED that max factor had mysteriously not been well represented in the few stores you had checked.

Anonymous said...

Okay, seriously... WHO reads blogs of people they don't know?

Or is that what "adults" do, and I'm just immature?

Kelly said...

Dear Anonymous,

Websters defines a blog as an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page.



So, if Jamie wants to lament the lack of good mascara, it's her PERSONAL LOG OF THOUGHTS. Don't read it if you don't want to.

Also, her taking the advice of the Target employee probably had more to do with the fact that the employee was a woman than a mistaken assumption as to the level of mascara sales training the employee might have received. Additionally, if the woman works in makeup often, she probably overhears the thoughts of other customers and employees. I know that I often share my love of Cover Girl Lash Exact. And, I often take the advice of those around me when it comes to makeup (really, I just buy what Erin tells me to because she is usually right).

So really, Anonymous, why the hate because Jamie wanted to share her exaspiration? Isn't that what a blog is for?

And also dear Anonymous? I would strongly advise you to steer clear of my blog as I obsess on such things as bras and the people who sale them, the rudeness levels of Wal-Mart shoppers, noisy neighbors, and being stood up by a guy I met online. I know! I am an adult and not only got upset by such things, but I was actually (gasp) surprised by them. I know. Shocking.

The Monkey Attack Victim

Anonymous said...

Well played, M.A.K.! Well played!

Anonymous said...

Well, I never share my makeup secrets. Let those bitches find their own good deals!

krysten said...

dang, and i must just about to ask uncle al what kind of eyeliner he prefers...

Anonymous said...

A) This is my blog; I can write about and freak out about whatever the hell I want to. You don't have to read it.

Nobody said you can't or shouldn't. I am interested in the behavior of animals. I came here for a brief study.

B) The Target employee was in her 30s-40s, and yes, I am accustomed to treating people as if they are knowledgeable about their job until proven otherwise.

she works at Target. I rest my case. If you love the mascara so much, wouldn't if be of good common sense to visit the website of the manufacturer? then again, sense ain't that common. I understand.

C) If you don't know me, why on earth do you care about my freak-out level of mascara?... on the flip side, if you do know me, please have the courage (and common decency) to post your name instead of hiding behind "anonymous."

no need to let a stranger work you into a frenzy.

Why do you freak out over mascara?

My name would mean nothing to you.

mary sue

hello jamie: said...

No frenzy here, Mary Sue- just stating my opinions in response to your somewhat sarcastic (and really, rather hateful) remarks. I'm surprised you took your important time to reply to what you clearly feel are the shortcomings of a perfect stranger.

I couldn't be sorrier to see that you judge an employee of the service industry by their nametag... the fact that you appear to assume she is lazy and stupid (based only on the knowledge that she works at Target) is really sad. You're probably the kind of person who thinks the $2.15/hour salary that a waiter makes is sufficient.

Truly, thanks for stopping by (and returning). I welcome the debate.

Anonymous said...

Nicely put, Jamie. Let's see... in the last few months, we've seen posts on choosing work over school, the collective IQ of America being "threeve", showed images of fetal pigs, the miserable state of icy hotel rooms in Pennsylvania, and the trials and tribulations of turning books we're "eh" about into films we're in love with. (ouch... bad sentence structure. I can't believe they actually pay me to write!)

And God knows how many of us don't agree with each other on one, if not more, of these subjects. (I mean, I alone have made about six comments about Evangelical Republicans in the last month... and I know I'm probably slightly stepping on the toes of those people out there of a certain faith and/or political preference every time I do...) But this is America, and I enjoy a good debate as much as the next person.

But really... taking the time to belittle someone because you think they're stupid for something they say about mascara? That's what you choose to use your right of free speech to tackle? Whether or not someone is emotionally mature based on if they researched the information given to them by a Target employee? This is the kind of reaction that happens when people don't like a TV show, so they complain about it INSTEAD OF JUST CHANGING THE CHANNEL.

Man, I applaud you for putting your thoughts and emotions out there, Jamie. And I give you a standing ovation particularly for taking the time to address this, and being so cool about it. I think most of us were left scratching are heads by the how bizarre the original comment was in the first place... never mind the aggressive nature of the second. Thanks for applying some basic common sense. And keep on sending us your thoughts. Whether thought-provoking or silly, they never fail to entertain. And most of us aren't changing the channel...

Kelly said...

Way to go Tom. So right, so very, very right.

Wow, Mary Sue has some serious hate going on for you Jamie.

And do I get the sense that not only is the poor Target employee getting judged poorly, but are you also getting judged because of your use of mascaras stocked at Target? Because price? Does not necessarily make an item better.

hello jamie: said...

I'm not that worried about the level of hate, MAV- I actually find it rather amusing!!

In the immortal words of Jon Stewart, "I'm OK; you're a crazy astronaut in diapers."

Thanks for the support, though, and you too, Tom.

krysten said...

i love you, tom.

(even if i AM an evangelical republican, hee!)

and jamie, you probably already know this: