You guys know I love my nerdy t-shirts. Well, I just got this one from my friend Nathaniel in California. Poor, poor, Pluto. I love it!!
I am home from NYC. I can't even miss it right now because it's 70 degrees outside and GORGEOUS. I slept in, watched some TV with Tom, cleaned the kitchen, and cooked a little... all in all, some seriously good Jamie time. I'm going to get some reading done and some schoolwork today, too, and hopefully get to the yoga studio later.
Oh, and my boss just called and asked if I'd be "interested" in working in Hawai'i in May. Um, yes??
i'm SO jealous!!!! (of the shirt...hawai'i, not so much)
haha! love it!
Dude... maybe I'll plan my trip to Hawaii...
ok, now hold on a second...if both you guys are gonna go, then i have to go too...although, how i would swing that i have no idea.
My favorite shirt.
Had to break the line to make it fit, but you can put them back together.
My favorite shirt.
oh, Uncle Al... I shall teach how to link in html. It's easy.
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