Thursday, January 25, 2007


Greetings from Austin, Texas. I got home from Philadelphia on Tuesday and went straight to school, and then straight to the gym, and straight home to bed. Wednesday I drove to Tyler to pick up Brad. We drove back to Dallas and got stuck in some horrendous 5 o'clock traffic... total time spent in car, 5 hours. We ate Food from Galilee with Deron, and then went to The Trin with a whole mess of people, including the Johnsons, the Blackmans, a Busboom, Charlie, and another couple of guys I didn't really know. Friday morning Brad and I ran errands (Target, gas, bank, bead store, Whole Foods) and had sushi, and drove to Austin, where we got stuck in some horrendous 5 o'clock traffic. Total time spent in car... 4 hours. You'd think I'd make better travel plans. Anyway, we got a drink with a couple of his college friends, and then I met Justin (heeeeeeey, Cousin) and his roommate for some amazing Mexican food and a beer at a Johnny Cash-themed bar called The Mean-Eyed Cat. Today I'm finishing up some paperwork and some schoolwork and we're going to keep Austin weird tonight. Tomorrow is brunch at The Moonshine Patio and I have to get back to Dallas (hopeful time spent in car... 3 hours?) in order to do my laundry before I leave on Sunday for back-to-back shows in northern California.

I'll be home on the 6th. I'm sorry I've been neglecting everyone lately (*clears throat*... Krysten) but I hope to get some time this week in Santa Clara to catch up on some e-mails and blogs. Oh, and in other news, I got a pet. His name is Hamlet. I'll post pictures tomorrow when I get back home.


Anonymous said...

Oh, I can't wait for this picture. I hope I'm eating when you post it.

And re: "you'd think I'd make better travel plans"... did you not learn your lesson when you scheduled a 6:00 train on a Friday night from Penn Station??? ;-)

krysten said...

*looks around*


am i the only one still checking your blog several times a day in the hopes that you have something entertaining to read??

damn statcounter.

krysten said...

also, i imagine your pet being a cutout of an animal that you've glued to a popsicle stick...

am i close??

Anonymous said...

Nope! I check it several times a day myself! Thank god for this entry, or I'd have nothing to occupy my time today!


hello jamie: said...

dude, I haven't looked at my statcounter in weeks. No, I have just been thinking about you and how I have not been e-mailing you. That's all.

hello jamie: said...

and no, you are not remotely close on the pet front.

Anonymous said...

does it live in the water or out of the water? does the species start with the same first letters as its name?

hello jamie: said...

Ummmm, no water and no. Yay, a game!

krysten said...

whew! glad at least tom's with me there, haha!

hmmmm...well, i have no idea about the pet thing. is it amphibious?

i mean it CANT be a typical dog/cat/ferret/hamster pet bc you're not home enough to properly care for something like that....and not a fish, which would be one that you could plop in one of those daily feeder my next thought would be something like a newt or turtle...or a spider! cool! (although a spider doesnt really seem you're type of pet).

oh wait. is it a plant??

Anonymous said...

I am SOOOOOO enjoying this........

Anonymous said...

I think it must be a dead goat or pig or something like that.