So, I'm up in the 'burbs watching Sandy's wee weenies (DOGS, people) and they are so cute I could die. I left them alone all day today and now they are all sorts of emotionally needy now. One of them actually has her head in the crook of my elbow while I'm typing. The other one is trying to squeeze between me and the keyboard of my laptop, which is literally in my lap. Every once in a while one of them will sigh in her sleep, like she had a really hard day, and it's the most adorable thing I've ever heard.
I saw two movies yesterday- Children of Men and The Holiday. I've been on this whole end-of-the-world kick lately (see previous post) and Children of Men was just beautifully done. Really, really excellent. The Holiday was also very cute. I even fell for Jude Law and I'm not usually a fan.
OK, it's almost time for Jon and Stephen, and I need to untangle these pups so I can switch over my laundry. Ahhh, life in suburbia.
I didn't say he wasn't heterosexual. Just that he's ambiguously creepy. There's a difference. :-)
and his recipes, although supposedly scientifically grounded, SUCK! Brad and I were also smitten with him for a time, until trying a few of his "proven" recipes, only to be bitterly disappointed.
he IS so darn cute and quirky though, and he is entertaining to watch...i just can't really make myself believe anything he says anymore!
scarily, I think Brad and I have the same taste in men.
I've never tried any of his recipes, I just watch him, unambiguously mesemerized.
I completely fell for Jude Law in that movie too. It's only a one time thing though!
well, no, no, brad wasnt smitten in "that way" with Alton, haha. Johnny Depp tops his list. ew. i think Matt Damon is on it too though, so i dunno, he's all over the place. He and I have such different tastes in men, hee!
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