Thank you, Danael. There are no words to explain how much that little gesture meant to me.
Next... there are some crazy crazies here in Louisville, Kentucky. I can't get over the accent, to begin with, and I hail from a great land of Southern accents myself. A few examples of the Kentucky-Crazy:
- on Saturday night, a bunch of sad, trashy, 40-something year old women asked me to put a quarter (or a penny... she kept saying "a quarter or a penny"... the hell?) in their bras. Apparently they were on some sort of sad, trashy, 40-something year old bachelorette party scavenger hunt, which I'm pretty sure females over the age of 22 should never do.
- at a bar where my co-worker and I were eating, I push the candle in front of me to the right about 4 inches, and the older African-American gentlemen 2 stools down says "Have you ever poured hot candle wax or had hot wax poured on you during love-making?" Ummm, the hell??? If I did, sir, do you think I would tell a complete stranger about it at a bar? Also, love-making? Who the hell says that?? And that's the only thing he said to me all night long. Completely bizarre.
- yesterday a man came by the service desk and told me he had my name tattoo'd on his arm. He lift up his shirt sleeve to reveal a big heart with a scrolling banner across the bottom that says "your name." Seriously. "Your name." Tattoo'd on his arm. As in, permanently. Again, I say... the hell?
The workers here kept talking to me at length in their Kentucky-Crazy accents about nothing. Last night some dude talked to me for like 15 minutes about how disappointed he was when he "wasted 10 whole dollars" at Southfork, like I personally had something to do with it, and this morning a lady teamster talked to me forever about her 14-hour shift at Caesar's last night. I have a mound of paperwork on my desk (and yet... I'm blogging) and kept myself very busy the entire time she was lurking around my desk... like, seriously? Do I look inviting to you?? Because most all over these great United States, people b*tch at me for being standoffish, or anti-social, or how I need to frakkin' SMILE (one of my greatest grievances in life), but apparently in Kentucky, my face says "bring me the crazy."
So anyway, happy Monday. A best-of-times-worst-of-times dual-story day about how awesome people are and how crazy people are, all at the same time.