Also, when I was getting my Christmas tree out of the hall closet, I came across the biggest roach I have ever seen in my life. And I'm from East Texas. Seriously. It was like as big as my hand. I think I had a mild stroke. I screamed like a little girl, and then killed him with poison, but I'm sure his big, burly roachfriends are lurking around waiting to come in MY OPEN DOOR.
Oh, and it just started raining. Gaaah. GAH.
jamie.. I am sorry you are having a bad day...
but you did make my day with this post.. I was laughing SO hard
dude. that S*U*C*K*S.
i would come over there and give you a ginormous HUG, but i am afraid of ginormous roaches. eeech.
It looks more like you're being quarantined... probably so your proficiency at getting traffic tickets doesn't spread.
Hey, I still have your BStarG DVD. Do you want that back?
Can I add any more injury to insult while I'm at it?
Well, I hope the remainder of your today is fabu!
first of all....YOU! yes, you...scotticus.... YOOOOOOOOUUUUUU! do you know what had to be done for us to be able to see that?!?! do you??! no.
no fried okra for you!
and Jamie... *SCREAMS*
can you feel me squirming and shuttering all the way over here?? GACK!!!! i hate roaches. more than anything in life. and when i say anything, i mean, an. y. thing. BLEAH!!!
i will NOT be going to get my tree from the garage now.... *shivers again*
do you need a warm place to stay tonight? our couch is way comfy if you do!
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