First, this story reinforces my belief that cats are agents of the devil.
Second, Krysten's powers over Photoshop color me astounded, though not as much as the now-cemented knowledge that clearly, David Tennant and I belong together:

Third, Ashley and I have been having a blast here, man, I love that girl, and working with a friend makes work a whole different experience~ but the best evening was last night when we went to the OC County Fair to see Toad the Wet Sprocket and Guster. Both bands were awesome and we were on the 4th row in the pit! Also, Glen Phillips looked directly at me and smiled. For real. Ashley saw it too. His wedding ring made me cry a little bit. I was always a big fan of Toad back in the day- I have all 7 of their albums, and Guster is from Boston so Ashley's been seeing them in seedy bars for years. It was perfect show for us. Uncle Al, you might say it was our "life concert."
Our drive there involved my favorite line of the week. So, we're in our rental car in Southern California, and we're sitting at an intersection where the entry to I-5 ("the 5") South is to our left, and and the entry to the 5 North is to our right. There's not a cloud in the sky and we're staring directly into the setting sun. Ashley was driving and I was navigating us onto a street that runs parallel to the 5. I told her we needed to go "this way" on Harbor. "No," she said. "We need to go south!" I was like, well, the Convention Center is behind us, and Harbor dead-ends into it, so we have to be going the right way. She insists we're not going the right way. I turn the map around and around and stare at it, and finally say, "let's just take the 5 because I can't figure out which way is south." She stares into the setting sun, and looks left onto the 5 south, and says "I'm pretty sure south is left. Who's in &*%-ing Mensa now???" I laughed all the way to the fair.
We came home after the show and turned Ashley's bathroom sink into a bar/chemistry lab, where we concocted the perfect drink, which is a marriage of my favorite drink: vodka-grapefruit and Ashley's favorite drink: vodka-soda-splash of cranberry. We're calling it "the full circle" (inside joke) and it's vodka-soda-cranberry-grapefruit. It's pretty awesome. It's our life drink!
So, I got my September-October schedule and it's frightening. Basically, I fly to Dallas tomorrow, have to drive to Nacogdoches on Saturday, back to Dallas on Sunday, then have Monday-Thursday to start packing my apartment, then to DC, Phoenix for my birthday with Krysten and Chanelle, back to Dallas for 5 more days of packing (thank you, Krysten!), and then I have a show in town. The day after that show, the movers are showing up to collect my apartment and take it 1700 miles northwest.
On the 28th or 29th of August, I'll fly out myself, and have about a week to unpack and settle myself in before I start work again (Chanelle, wanna come?). September and October bring me 6 shows, each with exactly 3 days between them. The lucky part is that in my new home town I get to work at home more often. I'll be hitting San Francisco (home!), Iowa for T's wedding, Santa Clara, Las Vegas, San Francisco (home!), Orlando, and Garden Grove, CA. Eeee!
OK, reading that paragraph just made me tired. I should sign off- this post has taken me about 3 hours to write because I have lots of needy (and stupid) exhibitors bothering me.
Two more things. A) I will never understand people who talk on their cell phones in the stall of a public restroom (or private bathroom either, but that's a whole 'nother therapy session) and B) Apple giftcards make great birthday presents for girls who need new iPods.
Oh, and C) sorry about the length of this post.