Weekend of Jamie is still going strong. Yesterday I took a nice long 3-hr walk (about 7 miles) to the beach and back through the Park, and then ran a couple of errands, made some dynamite
stuffed mushrooms, and read a magazine. Today I forced myself up early so there's no way I could talk myself out of yoga, and I am having my coffee and making a list of the things I need to do before I leave town. I am getting
sort of tired of Jamiepalooza (only sort of), and feel like being out and about, but I don't get to do this all that often, so after yoga I intend to do some (very light) housework and then spending one more day of leisure (leisure= reading, doing Sudoku puzzles, cooking, and watching TV/movies). Because my next week looks like this:
Monday: conference call, yoga, and time to attack the to-do list (drugstore, bank, etc. etc.)
Tuesday: thrift-store shopping up & down Haight with my friend Seth, working a double shift/training a newbie at the studio
Wednesday: lunch with my friend Cameron, then having Wednesday Funday with Brian (I didn't want to attend Sunday Funday without him so I'm moving it to Wednesday when he gets back)
Thursday: work a double at the studio, do laundry
Friday: pack for my 3-week 3-city tour (Las Vegas, Columbus, Washington DC)
Saturday: fly, fly away
Crazy, no? It's been so long since I've had a 5-day work week with 2 days off every single week that I'm not sure how I could get anything done. Of course, there are the times I work from 6am to 10pm for 10 days straight and leave prescriptions at the pharmacy so long they put them back on the shelf, or get Fed Ex boxes returned to sender, so I guess it all comes out in the wash.
PS> it's been so foggy this week that you can hear the foghorns out in the ocean... just a low, melancholy hum out in the distance, like elephants. I like it. The world seems so quiet and small when you can barely see 2 blocks down the street; the foghorn punctuates the silence, but low and quietly, and sometimes almost imperceptibly. One of those sounds that you all of the sudden realize you've been hearing for hours. I's a little bit eerie but for some reason it reminds me where I am and how easy it would be to be somewhere else.
Everybody loves the sound of a train in the distance, right?