Last night I dreamed that my hair was falling out. Well, not really falling out as much as everytime I ran my hands through it, big handfuls came out in my hand. Creepy. According to the internet it means I'm experiencing an insidious loss of energy and/or am feeling out of control about a situation. Which is funny, because before I moved to New York in 2003, I had a recurring dream about being on an escalator that was going too fast, and not being able to get off without hurting myself.
In other news, I sold my car (yay!) and I can't believe how fast it happened or I would have waited. I posted it on Craigslist at midnight on Monday and had sold it by Tuesday evening. The whole thing took less than 24 hours. A huge load off my shoulders.
Moving is stressing me out. I've been making index card lists for each day of the week, so I can cross things off of it at the end of the day and actually feel like I accomplished something. That way I feel stressed in the morning (like right now) because there's 10 things on my list and I haven't even showered yet, but by the time I sit down at night at least 8 of them are crossed off and I don't feel bad about rolling the additional 2 over to tomorrow. Buuut, I can't do that tonight because I'm leaving at 5:45am tomorrow for Anaheim. And when I get back I have to drive to Nacogdoches to see my dad before I leave. And then 5 days after that I leave for DC, then straight to Phoenix. Ack!
No rest for the weary. Although there are, apparently, dreams.
help is on the way!!
*ties towel around shoulders and leaps from couch*
I had an f'ed up dream last night, too. Must be going around.
*sniff* We all need a Super-Krysten at times.
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