Monday, August 17, 2020

the end of birthday celebrations

Yesterday was my last bday party. Jason and Leanne and Barbara and Carson and Tara and Joan. A lot of people didn't make it which was kind of a bummer since everyone went to a lot of trouble to make and bring food and drinks. It rained all night the night before - a rarity in San Francisco, especially in August - and I was worried that it would be humid and steamy and everyone would be miserable. After most people had left Barbara and John got into an intense discussion that brought up years of hurt feelings and it was all pretty aggressive and ended the evening on a sour note. I'm super pissed about it to be honest but it's his friendship and he's protective of it in general so I can't really say much without being an asshole. 

I walked to Bi-Rite and spent $170 on groceries. WTF. I have mosquito bites that are driving me absolutely bonkers. I'm over-socialized from all the get-togethers and want to stay inside for a week.

This morning I weighed 150 lbs. I'm not body shaming -- especially during this quarantine -- I feel like I generally look pretty good for 44. But nothing fits and I'm kind of uncomfortable so I need to make some changes. Going to go grain-free and nix the non-fermented cow dairy for a bit, skip the mixed drinks, work out more, etc. Just little steps to get myself in a healthier frame of mind (and body).

Had a phone call with a recruiter for a staffing agency this AM. She seems very young and inexperienced and says "um" a lot which drives me crazy. We have a zoom interview tomorrow afternoon and she said she would send me a zoom link and some questions to answer before our talk. That was 3 hours ago and I haven't heard from her yet which is a bit irritating. How long do I wait before following up via phone? Ugh. 

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