Monday, September 07, 2020

Labor Day

 Sometimes it really feels like the world is ending. Or about to turn into one of those post-apocalyptic novels I love to read. Not with a bang but with a whimper.

Yesterday it got to over 90 INSIDE OUR APARTMENT. The air quality was so bad we had to keep the windows shut. Fashioned ourselves a little swamp cooler:

Supposed to have a picnic today with J&L. Not sure if we should be outside in this but also I miss our friends and don't want to grow apart because we keep saying no to things.

Been thinking a lot about comparative stress/suffering. I know we have it better than so many people. But refusing to acknowledge or face my own stuff because others have it worse is not helpful at all. Put on your own oxygen mask before assisting others. I can't be of help if I'm a wreck. It's a fine line to deal&heal with my comparatively easier situation without becoming a brat but I think it's important to feel my feelings and still be empathetic.

Happy place: husband is listening to D'Angelo and making bacon while I do a crossword puzzle. 

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