Friday, September 11, 2020

Commonplace Book

I wish I had done this all of quarantine. It may be better in actual written form though. Which honestly isn't a bad idea since I don't want anyone reading this anyway. (Not that anyone would care.)

This is what it looked like all day Wednesday. Today it's back to normal colors, but still thick with ash suspended in fog. AQI is purple.

So, I ordered groceries from GoodEggs. Ordered lunch. Sitting in the same spot I've been sitting for 75% of the last 6 months and 95% of the last 72 hours.

I have, for the last 20 years or so, always secretly worried/wondered if I was a super-high functioning alcoholic. But despite drinking more than usual for the past few months, I quit cold turkey 11 days ago and haven't caved. There's plenty of booze in the house too so WHEW. I sure would like a drink though.

You're not supposed to weigh yourself on Whole 30 but I couldn't resist the temptation. So far down over 6 lbs! Although on September 1st I was 2-3 lbs up from "the new normal" due to a combination of PMS and "eating that thing one last time before we started Whole 30" so maybe only lost 2-3 lbs, which actually sounds more appropriate for 11 days. It's honestly not that hard, just sort of boring and takes time, but I got plenty of that.

I got an extra $600 from EDD yesterday. No note, no explanation. Haven't seen an article on it. Just two additional $300 deposits in addition to my usual award. Not mad about it. Going to buy some more stretchy pants.

Breakfast: cultured cottage cheese, peach, rosemaried almonds
Lunch: chicken cobb, no cheese

Finally fell behind on my NYT crosswords. Never finished Sunday because, well, it was a DAY, and have been behind ever since.

Going to start The Stand today.

This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang, but with a whimper.
~T.S. Eliot

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