Wednesday, January 05, 2011


So, here's my annual New Year's Resolutions post. The reason I put it here is so I can look back next January and see what I've accomplished. (side note: I really hate resolution naysayers. Why do they care if I use the flipping of the calendar to make myself a better person? Bite me, those people.)

I'd like to point out that this is the first year as long as I can remember that "lose weight" isn't on my list. Not that I don't need to, or that I don't care, but I've accepted that my body is perfectly acceptable and keeping it this way is an every day, all year sort of project. No more talking, only doing.

Without further ado, my 2011 New Year's Resolutions:

1. BE MORE POSITIVE. I'm not really sure how to measure this, per se (the difference between a goal and an objective). So you guys will have to be my barometer. NO ONE LIKES NEGATIVE PEOPLE. Least of all myself. And most least of all when it's me. No more letting other people's negativity dictate my own demeanor. "Most folks are about as happy as they make their minds up to be." So my mind is made up; I will be a positive person. Let me know if you find me slipping.

2. Try someplace new once a month. I live one of the greatest cities in America! There is no limit to awesome places to eat and drink. And yet I go to the same two places ALL the time. And those places are great, but I'd like to branch out.

3. Roommate night once a week. "Family night," as it were. Homemade dinner and a game or a movie.

4. **** ********. (I can't really put this one on the interwebs for all to see. A couple of you know what it is-- please hold me accountable.)

5. Get into school. If you haven't heard, I didn't get into the very competitive program at UCSF. Sad face. BUT, I have spoken with USF and CCSF and am currently calculating Plan B.

6. If you remember from this post, I have been budgeting my ass off in the last couple of years. I pledged to be debt free by the end of 2011. I am now here to tell you that I am AHEAD of my schedule, and will more than likely be 100% debt free by March, or April at the latest. This year's pledge is to still be that way come December. (note: if I can do it, anyone can. Let me know if you'd like pointers. I'm happy to share my system, and I won't even charge you for my services!)

7. By January 2012, have a 4-digit number in my savings account.

8. Be a better housekeeper.

There they are!


Amy said...

Feel free to text me #4 if you want an additional person cheering you on. Otherwise, great resolutions! And I'm very proud of what you've accomplished so far!

J.T. said...

I'm kind of a resolution junkie, myself. I make them ALL the time.
The cool thing is, if you break one, you just make a new one!
Naysayers be damned!