Sadly, that pole that is blocking the exact part of the stage holding the 2 grand pianos was exactly where it looks-- directly in my line of vision, so I spent most of the concert in Krysten's lap, who was weeping with delight. They didn't sing my all-time favourites (Elton: Someone Saved My Life Tonight, Mona Lisas & Mad Hatters, Blessed, and I Want Love, and Billy: Vienna, This Night, Sleeping with the Television On, and And So it Goes) but they hit most of the standard highlights, including the best renditions of Rocketman and Bennie & the Jets I've ever heard, and a great finale of the lyrically genius Piano Man. *sigh* Happy.
You guys know that Pepsi commercial with Bob Dylan and Will.I.Am, "Every Generation Replenishes the World"? I looooove it. Love love LOVE it. Anyway, last night, from our seats high atop the nosebleed section, we had a great view of the rest of the coliseum, and when they turned out the lights and everyone had their cell phones up and lit and waving, it reminded me of that commercial. We were all singing Piano Man together, holding up our 21st century digital lightning bugs. Nothing like 60,000 fans who know every word of every song to remind you how music can connect the masses, like a big emotional hug.
Anyway, tonight we're going bowling, and then I have to go back to work tomorrow, BOO.
I'm in Dallas, and you posted. Finally, all is right with the world...I'm so glad that we don't twitter - I'd get pretty much nothing done if I followed that too!
oh, thank you for blogging this, lady. i wanted to know how it went! and, you know, keep this up, and stuff. i likes your posts.
Billy Joel and Elton John are playing two shows at Wrigley Field this summer. Sounds like you had a nice time :)
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